This instant download includes step by step instructions and supply list for snacks that go along with the letters of the alphabet.
Each week as you teach your preschooler or young learner a new letter, make a snack that represents the letter.
You can make an airplane for the letter A. The airplane is made using simple ingredients like a granola bar, celery and grapes. Make monster bars as you teach them the letter M. One of my favorites is making an underwater treat for the letter U. We used graham crackers, gold fish and some icing. Super cute!! Some of the snacks are things your young learner can make more independently while some things will require more kitchen use and your help, like the monster bars. But what I love about the recipes that require cooking is they are a great opportunity to talk about other life skills and to work in subjects like math while you're measuring.
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Crystal & Co.
P O Box 55263
Hurst, Texas 76054